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  • Qi Xu, AnumanthaG. Kanthasamy, Monica Langley, and Manju B*. Reddy. Neurorescueeffect of EGCG in an animal model of Parkinson’s Disease. Journalof nutrition 2017,10147(10):1926-1931.

  • Qi Xu, HuajunJin, Anumantha G. Kanthasamy, and Manju B. Reddy* “Hepcidin Playsa Key Role in 6-OHDA Induced Iron Overload and Apoptotic Cell deathin a Cell Culture Model of Parkinson’s Disease”, Parkinson’sDisease 2016, volume (2016).

  • Qi Xu,Anumantha G. Kanthasamy, and Manju B. Reddy, “Phytic Acid Protectsagainst 6-Hydroxydopamine-Induced Dopaminergic Neuron Apoptosis inNormal and Iron Excess Conditions in a Cell Culture Model”, Parkinson’s disease: 2011 (2011), doi: 10.4061/2011/431068

  • Qi Xu,Anumantha G. Kanthasamy, and Manju B. Reddy, “Neuroprotectiveeffect of the natural iron chelator, phytic acid in a cell culturemodel of Parkinson's disease.”, Toxicology: 2008, 245(1-2):101-8

  • 许琪,诸建民王秀兰 “翻转课堂在特殊人群营养学双语教学中的应用”中华医学教育探索,2017, 16(05) : 481-484.

  • 许琪,诸建民周恩“中医院校医学英语课堂实施交际英语教学可行性探索”中医教育,2017, 36 (4):77-78.