Department of Food Hygiene and Nutrition


Established in 2008, the Department of Food Hygiene and Nutrition now has 7 teachers, including 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 1 senior laboratory technician and 3 lecturers.

This department is responsible for teaching the Food Hygiene and Nutrition Program’s basic courses, food courses and other specialized courses, systematic specialized practice courses and the university’s electives. The major courses include Basic Nutrition, Public Nutrition, Food Safety and Food Hygiene, Food Analysis and Inspection, etc. The department undertakes education and teaching reform projects at all levels, and participates in developing monographs and textbooks. In 2016, it got Shanghai Municipal Education Commission’s application-oriented undergraduate food hygiene and nutrition program building project. In 2018, the department and Shanghai Urban Construction Vocational College successfully obtained the approval to provide a Vocational-Undergraduate Food Hygiene and Nutrition Program jointly. In 2017, the department was approved by China Nutrition Society as a Chinese Registered Dietitian program teaching base.

At present, the department mainly carries out research on the nutritional prevention of diabetes and education, nutritional treatment of Parkinson's, nutritional prevention and treatment of cancer, genomics, food nutrition and food safety. In recent years, it has undertaken 11 projects from Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, 3 projects from Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, 2 national projects, and published 23 SCI/EI papers and more than 100 papers in core periodicals.